Game Schedule

This is the current and updated schedule for pool play games as of January 7, 2013.  We are also scheduled for tournaments in March & April.  See below for more details.

**Please have players at the the Cross Point Church in Norman 30 minutes before they are to take the court.

Schedule for Incredibles Gold
1/18/2013 1:45 PM IncrediblesGold SThunderSilverM Court 1
1/18/2013 3:15 PM IncrediblesGold ExcaliburSilverH Court 1
1/18/2013 4:00 PM ref team Court 1
1/25/2013 2:30 PM MustangsGold        IncrediblesGold Court 2
1/25/2013 3:15 PM WolfpackGold    IncrediblesGold Court 2
1/25/2013 4:00 PM ref team Court 2
2/1/2013        4:00 PM IncrediblesGold ExcaliburGold         Court 2
2/15/2013 4:00 PM IncrediblesGold IncrediblesSilverH Court 2

Schedule for Incredibles Silver H
1/11/2013 3:15 PM IncrediblesSilverH MustangsGold         Court 1 (W/L)
1/11/2013 4:00 PM IncrediblesSilverH WolfpackGold         Court 1 (to be rescheduled)
1/18/2013 1:45 PM OutsyderzSilverM IncrediblesSilverH Court 2
1/18/2013 2:30 PM ExcaliburGold         IncrediblesSilverH Court 2
1/18/2013 3:15 PM ref team Court 2
2/1/2013        2:30 PM MustangsSilverM IncrediblesSilverH Court 2
2/1/2013        3:15 PM ref team Court 2
2/8/2013        2:30 PM IncrediblesSilverH SThunderSilverM Court 1
2/8/2013        3:15 PM ref team Court 1
2/15/2013 3:15 PM IncrediblesSilverH ExcaliburSilverH Court 2
2/15/2013 4:00 PM IncrediblesGold IncrediblesSilverH Court 2

Schedule for Incredibles Guys A
1/18/2013      1:00 PM IncrediblesGuysA MustangsGuys    Court 2
1/25/2013  12:15 PM REF TEAM Court 2
1/25/2013  1:45 PM WolfpackGuys         IncrediblesGuysA Court 1
1/25/2013  2:30 PM ref team Court 1
2/15/2013  1:45 PM IncrediblesGuysB IncrediblesGuysA Court 1
2/15/2013  2:30 PM ref team Court 1
2/22/2013  1:45 PM IncrediblesGuysA ExcaliburGuys          Court 2

Schedule for IncrediblesGuysB
1/18/2013  1:00 PM ExcaliburGuys      IncrediblesGuysB Court 1
1/18/2013  12:15 PM ref team Court 1
1/25/2013  1:45 PM IncrediblesGuysB MustangsGuys Court 2
2/1/2013  1:45 PM WolfpackGuys   IncrediblesGuysB Court 2
2/15/2013  1:45 PM IncrediblesGuysB IncrediblesGuysA Court 1

Schedule for LadyIncredibles
1/11/2013  1:00 PM LadyIncredibles LadySthunder Court 1 (W/L)
1/11/2013  1:45 PM ref team Court 1
2/1/2013  1:00 PM LadyIncredibles LadyWolfpack Court 2
2/1/2013  1:45 PM ref team Court 1
2/8/2013  1:45 PM LadyOutsyderz LadyIncredibles Court 1
2/15/2013  12:15 PM ref team Court 2
2/15/2013  1:00 PM LadyIncredibles LadyExcalibur Court 1
2/22/2013  1:00 PM LadyMustangs   LadyIncredibles Court 1
2/22/2013  1:45 PM ref team Court 1

Schedule for IncrediblesBronzeM
1/11/2013  11:30 AM IncrediblesBronzeM ExcaliburBronzeL Court 1 (W/L)
1/11/2013  12:15 PM IncrediblesBronzeM ExcaliburBronzeH Court 1 (W/L)
1/18/2013  10:45 AM IncrediblesBronzeM OutsyderzBronzeM Court 2
1/18/2013  11:30 AM ref team Court 2
1/25/2013  11:30 AM ref team Court 1
1/25/2013  12:15 PM  SThunderBronzeL IncrediblesBronzeM Court 1
2/1/2013  11:30 AM MustangsBronzeM IncrediblesBronzeM Court 1
2/1/2013  12:15 PM  AirborneBronzeBL IncrediblesBronzeM Court 1
2/8/2013        10:45 AM ref team Court 2
2/8/2013  11:30 AM WolfpackBronzeL IncrediblesBronzeM Court 1

Schedule for IncrediblesBrass
1/11/2013  10:00 AM REF TEAM Court 2
1/11/2013  10:45 AM ExcaliburBrass   IncrediblesBrass Court 1 (W/W)
1/25/2013  1:00 PM    IncrediblesBrass SThunderBrassB Court 2
2/1/2013  10:00 AM IncrediblesBrass MustangsBrass Court 2
2/1/2013  10:45 AM ref team Court 2
2/1/2013  1:00 PM    SThunderBrassA IncrediblesBrass Court 2
2/15/2013  1:00 PM  IncrediblesBrass WolfpackBrass Court 2
2/22/2013  1:00 PM  IncrediblesBrass OutsyderzBrass Court 2

March 1 ~ 10:00AM-9:00PM All gender tournament as well as pool play weather make-up day

March 8 & 9 ~ 10:00AM-9:00PM Gold/ Silver Tournament

March 15 & 15 ~ 10:00AM-9:00PM Bronze/Brass Tournament

April 12-13, 2013 ~ 2013 H.E.A.T. Volleyball Classic in Wichita Falls for the Gold & Silver Teams

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