Friday, January 11, 2013

A Great First Day of Pool Play

Today, the Incredibles teams did a fabulous job! Brass, Bronze, Silver and Ladies put forth wonderful effort and were greatly rewarded.

Brass won both sets to win the match. What a way to start their first volleyball season!

Bronze won both sets of their first match to win the game. Lost the second match by just a few points. They played super well as a team!

Silver won the first set and lost the second. After adding the points, they ended up loosing to a gold team by only 3 points! They held their own and did themselves proud!

The Ladies team...IMPACT...won their game! Not only do the look super good in their cool new shirts, they are off to a great start!

Way to go Incredibles! We are very proud of you!

Brass Team

Bronze Team

Silver Team

Ladies Team...IMPACT

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