Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wichita Falls HEAT Tournament Update

You never know what a day will bring!  Just when I thought we had everything all settled, the Lord chose to  shake things up a bit.  The Gold team is now joining the Silver team for the HEAT Tournament in Wichita Falls on April 12 & 13.  Yeah!  Unfortunately, not all players will be able to make this trip but we are thrilled that we do have enough players to take two teams.  As of today, our teams will be:

Harlee Black
Abbey Toombs
Daniel Bonar
Kent Cypert
Becker Elliott
Matt Meyer
Elijah Hudson

Carolyn Click (so happy that she is willing to join us for this tournament!)
Dee Elliott
Rhetta Farrill
Adam Click
Noah Deering
Ryan Meyer
Elijah Smith

*All gold team players need to get their completed registrations forms and fees in by next practice on Tuesday, March 26th.

Practice Schedule Reminder...

Tuesdays 6:00-8:00
March 26th
April 2nd
April 9th

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Few Tournament Notes....

A few notes for the new parents and players:

All matches will be best 2 out of 3 sets. Score will start at 0-0 and go to 25, but the winning team must win by 2 points, so it could go higher than 25. If each team wins one set, then the 3rd set is played to 15 and the teams change sides when one of the scores gets to 8.

The final match is best 3 out of 5 sets.

This is double elimination meaning that you must lose 2 matches to be eliminated from the competition. Lose once and you go to the bottom (losers) bracket and work your way back up. You can lose in the top bracket and still make it to the finals and still win the whole tournament.

In case you have trouble reading the brackets in the post below. The Brass team plays at 5PM on Court 2. If they win they play at 7PM andp if they lose they will play at 8PM.

Bronze team plays at 12PM (noon) on court 1. Win and they play at 4. Lose and they play at 6.

After each match you will need to check the schedule after each match to see when and where you play next. Also, if you lose you will probably ref the next match on the court where you just lost.

Remind your players that this is a game and we play for fun. They don't need to stress, they just need to relax, have fun and play.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Bronze and Brass Tournament

Below are the brackets for the tournament this weekend, March 15 & 16. The Bronze team needs to be at the gym at 11:30 AM. The Brass team needs to be ready to warm up at 4:30. We are looking forward to a fun and fabulous tournament!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Silver Practice Schedule for the HEAT Tournament

You did so well during the OKHVL Tournament...FIRST PLACE!  Praise God that He worked through you all to take the shirts and give Him glory.  Now is the time to look towards the next tournament...the HEAT in Wichita Falls on April 23 & 13.  Below is our practice schedule.  If you are unable to make any of these Tuesday practices, please let me or Mr. Elliott know.  Thank you!

March 12th 8:00-8:55 (scrimmage against Bronze to help prepare them for their tournament and get us going with our new configured team)
March 19th 6:00-8:00 (this and the following practices will be with gold and advanced players) 
March 26th 6:00-8:00
April 2nd 6:00-8:00
April 9th 6:00-8:00

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Gold Team and Tournament Info for Everyone

The gold team plays on Friday at 6PM on court 1.
Win or lose gold team plays at 2PM on Saturday.
Final round is at 6PM.

Each round is best 2 out of 3 starting at 0 and going to 25. Team must win by 2 points and there is no cap.
Final will be best 3 out of 5.

Also, our club will be providing each player with a goody bag and drinks. Help your player keep track of their goody bag; their name will be on it. Please encourage your player to trade with other players if there is something in the bag that they won't eat.

This should be a fun ending to a great season. Good luck to all the players.


From Lana Horner:
I can place a reorder for league shirts. I will take individual orders for this. Also, parents and siblings of a championship team can order championship shirts this year for $12 each.

Silver Tournament

Please plan to have your players at the gym no later than 4:30 to warm up. Silver will take the court at 5:00 on Friday. Remember to rest up, drink plenty of liquids and eat a banana or something else with lots of potassium. Looking forward to watching some fabulous volleyball playing at the tournament.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Practice Schedule

March 5
Brass and Bronze 6:00 - 7:30
Gold and Silver 7:15 - 8:45

*March 8 & 9 Gold and Silver tournament (schedule TBD)

March 12
Brass - 6:30 - 8:00
Bronze - 7:00 - 8:30 (will probably have silver come in, or just random players, and scrimmage the last 30 minutes)

*March 15 & 16 - Bronze and Brass Tournament (schedule TBD)

Practice Schedule for those playing in the HEAT Tournament on April 12-13:

Tuesdays from 6:00-8:00

March 19 
March 26
April 2
April 9

*We will be asking for any guys from the Gold team who are available to join us for these practices for the Silver team to scrimmage.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

It was a GREAT day!

Joseph Cypert, Elijah Hudson, Becker Elliott, Kent Cypert, Isaiah Rudolph,  Danile Bonar, Matt Meyer
The Guys A Team took home the shirts 
after winning the OKHVL Guys Tournament! 
Way to go Guys A Team!  CONGRATULATIONS! 

The Incredibles have many reasons to rejoice and be thankful.  It was a long day of hard playing volleyball.  It started early with the Ladies Team winning their first match in two games.  Way to go Ladies!  They played hard and smart to enter into the next round.  They weren't able to progress any further after that but still played wonderfully!  Their coach was especially pleased with her girls and very proud of them.  The Guys B Team faced unexpected challenges this tournament with three of their players not available to play in the tournament.  Fortunately, three Brass players were willing to step up and help out.  The newly formed Guys B Team gave it their all and have every reason to be proud.  The day finished out with the Guys A Team taking the tournament after winning 3 of 4 games in the final match.  Lots of great volleyball and mass amounts of LOUD cheering filled the gym throughout the day.  All games  played in the tournament were fun, exciting and somewhat stressful as each player gave it their best.  We praise God for His hand of blessing upon the Incredibles thus far this season.

We now look forward to seeing all God has planned for the Incredibles during the Gold & Silver Tournament on March 8 & 9 and the Bronze & Brass Tournament on March 16 & 17.  One thing will be sure, there will be lots of great volleyball played with many folks cheering!