Saturday, March 2, 2013

It was a GREAT day!

Joseph Cypert, Elijah Hudson, Becker Elliott, Kent Cypert, Isaiah Rudolph,  Danile Bonar, Matt Meyer
The Guys A Team took home the shirts 
after winning the OKHVL Guys Tournament! 
Way to go Guys A Team!  CONGRATULATIONS! 

The Incredibles have many reasons to rejoice and be thankful.  It was a long day of hard playing volleyball.  It started early with the Ladies Team winning their first match in two games.  Way to go Ladies!  They played hard and smart to enter into the next round.  They weren't able to progress any further after that but still played wonderfully!  Their coach was especially pleased with her girls and very proud of them.  The Guys B Team faced unexpected challenges this tournament with three of their players not available to play in the tournament.  Fortunately, three Brass players were willing to step up and help out.  The newly formed Guys B Team gave it their all and have every reason to be proud.  The day finished out with the Guys A Team taking the tournament after winning 3 of 4 games in the final match.  Lots of great volleyball and mass amounts of LOUD cheering filled the gym throughout the day.  All games  played in the tournament were fun, exciting and somewhat stressful as each player gave it their best.  We praise God for His hand of blessing upon the Incredibles thus far this season.

We now look forward to seeing all God has planned for the Incredibles during the Gold & Silver Tournament on March 8 & 9 and the Bronze & Brass Tournament on March 16 & 17.  One thing will be sure, there will be lots of great volleyball played with many folks cheering!

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