Thursday, June 20, 2013

Fundraiser Committee Needed for New Uniforms


I hope that you and your family are having a delightful summer.  As many of you know, this year, we will be picking a new club name and color, along purchasing new uniforms.  It is my hope that we can offset the cost of the uniforms with fundraisers. I am looking to put together a fundraising committee.  If you are interested, please let me know ASAP.  If you aren't available to be on a committee but have some ideas for fundraisers, please let me know. We need to start making plans soon so we can be ready to purchase when the time comes. Thank you!

With Joy,
Tamy Elliott

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

HEAT Tournament Details

We are so excited about the HEAT Tournament in Wichita Falls! Below are details to keep us all on the same page. Please contact Tisha or me if you have any questions. Thank you!


Holiday Inn at the Falls
100 Central Fwy
Wichita Falls, TX

Cost per room is $76.67 ($69.00 plus 13% tax) and is payable upon check-in.

Check-in is 1:00 PM (It usually is 3:00 PM but they have made special arrangements for us. Please remember to thank them when you check-in for making the extra effort to accommodate our group.)
Check-out is 12:00 PM

Please remember to ask for your breakfast vouchers when you check-in so you can enjoy the full breakfast that is included in the cost of your room. And for those of you who enjoy swimming, there is an indoor pool available. Very cool!


Date: Friday & Saturday, April 12-13, 2012

Time: Friday 12:30 PM - Pool Play (Please plan to arrive at 12:20 PM. Incredibles first games will not be until 2:30, so the break between opening ceremony and the first games will probably be the best opportunity to check-in at the hotel.)
Saturday 8:00 AM - Tournament Play

Location: Midwestern State University Legion Stadium
Wichita Falls, TX

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Friday!

Wichita Falls Schedule

Here is the info for Wichita Falls. Our gold team is called Incredibles A, silver is Incredibles B. Friday's schedule is below.

Please plan to arrive around 12:20. Opening ceremony begins at 12:30.

2:30 Incredibles A vs. Airborne court 1
        Incredibles B vs. Wildcats B court 2
3:20 Incredibles A ref Court 1
        Incredibles B ref court 2
4:10 Incredibles A vs Excalibur court 1
5:00 Incredibles A ref court 1
        Incredibles B vs Southern Thunder court 2
6:40 Incredibles A vs Wildcats A court 1
7:30 Incredibles B vs Outsyderz court 1
8:20 Incredibles B vs Wolfpack court 2

More info later.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wichita Falls HEAT Tournament Update

You never know what a day will bring!  Just when I thought we had everything all settled, the Lord chose to  shake things up a bit.  The Gold team is now joining the Silver team for the HEAT Tournament in Wichita Falls on April 12 & 13.  Yeah!  Unfortunately, not all players will be able to make this trip but we are thrilled that we do have enough players to take two teams.  As of today, our teams will be:

Harlee Black
Abbey Toombs
Daniel Bonar
Kent Cypert
Becker Elliott
Matt Meyer
Elijah Hudson

Carolyn Click (so happy that she is willing to join us for this tournament!)
Dee Elliott
Rhetta Farrill
Adam Click
Noah Deering
Ryan Meyer
Elijah Smith

*All gold team players need to get their completed registrations forms and fees in by next practice on Tuesday, March 26th.

Practice Schedule Reminder...

Tuesdays 6:00-8:00
March 26th
April 2nd
April 9th

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Few Tournament Notes....

A few notes for the new parents and players:

All matches will be best 2 out of 3 sets. Score will start at 0-0 and go to 25, but the winning team must win by 2 points, so it could go higher than 25. If each team wins one set, then the 3rd set is played to 15 and the teams change sides when one of the scores gets to 8.

The final match is best 3 out of 5 sets.

This is double elimination meaning that you must lose 2 matches to be eliminated from the competition. Lose once and you go to the bottom (losers) bracket and work your way back up. You can lose in the top bracket and still make it to the finals and still win the whole tournament.

In case you have trouble reading the brackets in the post below. The Brass team plays at 5PM on Court 2. If they win they play at 7PM andp if they lose they will play at 8PM.

Bronze team plays at 12PM (noon) on court 1. Win and they play at 4. Lose and they play at 6.

After each match you will need to check the schedule after each match to see when and where you play next. Also, if you lose you will probably ref the next match on the court where you just lost.

Remind your players that this is a game and we play for fun. They don't need to stress, they just need to relax, have fun and play.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Bronze and Brass Tournament

Below are the brackets for the tournament this weekend, March 15 & 16. The Bronze team needs to be at the gym at 11:30 AM. The Brass team needs to be ready to warm up at 4:30. We are looking forward to a fun and fabulous tournament!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Silver Practice Schedule for the HEAT Tournament

You did so well during the OKHVL Tournament...FIRST PLACE!  Praise God that He worked through you all to take the shirts and give Him glory.  Now is the time to look towards the next tournament...the HEAT in Wichita Falls on April 23 & 13.  Below is our practice schedule.  If you are unable to make any of these Tuesday practices, please let me or Mr. Elliott know.  Thank you!

March 12th 8:00-8:55 (scrimmage against Bronze to help prepare them for their tournament and get us going with our new configured team)
March 19th 6:00-8:00 (this and the following practices will be with gold and advanced players) 
March 26th 6:00-8:00
April 2nd 6:00-8:00
April 9th 6:00-8:00

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Gold Team and Tournament Info for Everyone

The gold team plays on Friday at 6PM on court 1.
Win or lose gold team plays at 2PM on Saturday.
Final round is at 6PM.

Each round is best 2 out of 3 starting at 0 and going to 25. Team must win by 2 points and there is no cap.
Final will be best 3 out of 5.

Also, our club will be providing each player with a goody bag and drinks. Help your player keep track of their goody bag; their name will be on it. Please encourage your player to trade with other players if there is something in the bag that they won't eat.

This should be a fun ending to a great season. Good luck to all the players.


From Lana Horner:
I can place a reorder for league shirts. I will take individual orders for this. Also, parents and siblings of a championship team can order championship shirts this year for $12 each.

Silver Tournament

Please plan to have your players at the gym no later than 4:30 to warm up. Silver will take the court at 5:00 on Friday. Remember to rest up, drink plenty of liquids and eat a banana or something else with lots of potassium. Looking forward to watching some fabulous volleyball playing at the tournament.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Practice Schedule

March 5
Brass and Bronze 6:00 - 7:30
Gold and Silver 7:15 - 8:45

*March 8 & 9 Gold and Silver tournament (schedule TBD)

March 12
Brass - 6:30 - 8:00
Bronze - 7:00 - 8:30 (will probably have silver come in, or just random players, and scrimmage the last 30 minutes)

*March 15 & 16 - Bronze and Brass Tournament (schedule TBD)

Practice Schedule for those playing in the HEAT Tournament on April 12-13:

Tuesdays from 6:00-8:00

March 19 
March 26
April 2
April 9

*We will be asking for any guys from the Gold team who are available to join us for these practices for the Silver team to scrimmage.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

It was a GREAT day!

Joseph Cypert, Elijah Hudson, Becker Elliott, Kent Cypert, Isaiah Rudolph,  Danile Bonar, Matt Meyer
The Guys A Team took home the shirts 
after winning the OKHVL Guys Tournament! 
Way to go Guys A Team!  CONGRATULATIONS! 

The Incredibles have many reasons to rejoice and be thankful.  It was a long day of hard playing volleyball.  It started early with the Ladies Team winning their first match in two games.  Way to go Ladies!  They played hard and smart to enter into the next round.  They weren't able to progress any further after that but still played wonderfully!  Their coach was especially pleased with her girls and very proud of them.  The Guys B Team faced unexpected challenges this tournament with three of their players not available to play in the tournament.  Fortunately, three Brass players were willing to step up and help out.  The newly formed Guys B Team gave it their all and have every reason to be proud.  The day finished out with the Guys A Team taking the tournament after winning 3 of 4 games in the final match.  Lots of great volleyball and mass amounts of LOUD cheering filled the gym throughout the day.  All games  played in the tournament were fun, exciting and somewhat stressful as each player gave it their best.  We praise God for His hand of blessing upon the Incredibles thus far this season.

We now look forward to seeing all God has planned for the Incredibles during the Gold & Silver Tournament on March 8 & 9 and the Bronze & Brass Tournament on March 16 & 17.  One thing will be sure, there will be lots of great volleyball played with many folks cheering!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Guys & Ladies Tournament Schedule

Here is Friday's schedule. If it doesn't make sense please let me know. I've highlighted the first match for each team. This is the guys and girls tournament. It is different from our other tournaments in that it is single elimination. Once you lose you are out. This will be best 2 our of 3 with the score starting at 0-0 and going to 25 and you must win by 2 and there is no cap. If each team wins one match each, called a split, then the 3rd match is played to 15, must win by 2 and no cap. On the 3rd match (if there is a split) the teams switch sides when one of the teams reaches a score of 8.


Girls tournament March 1 ( best 2 out of 3 except championship game)
A 9:30 am Ct 1 Incredibles vs Wolfpack
B 9:30 am Ct 2 Outsyderz vs SThunder

C 10:30 am Ct 1 Winner of game A vs Mustangs
D 10:30 am Ct 2 Winner of game B vs Excalibur

E 12:30pm Ct 1 Winner of C vs Winner of D ( Best 3 out of 5)

Guys Tournament March 1 ( best 2 out of 3 except championship game)

A 2pm Ct 1 Incredibles B vs Excalibur

B 3pm Ct 1 Wolfpack vs. Mustangs

C 4pm Ct 1 Winner of game A vs Incredibles A

D 6pm Ct 1 Winner of Game B vs winner of game C

Monday, February 25, 2013

Practice Schedule for Tuesday, February 26th

Just a reminder about tomorrow's practice. The guys and girls tournament is this Friday and the gold, silver, bronze and brass will not be playing.

6-7:30 and 8:00 - 8:30- Guys A There will be a 30 minute break for the guys to rest and get a drink before they scrimmage the ladies team.

6:30 - 8:00 Guys B

7:15-8:45 Ladies

Stay tuned for the times of the matches for Friday.


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Guys A Team {temporarily revised}

On Friday, the temporarily revised Guys A Team took to the court to leave victorious! It was a fabulous game and tons of fun to watch. Way to go guys! That's the way to beast it up on the court!

Matt Meyer, Daniel Bonar, Ryan Meyer, Kent Cypert, Elijah Smith, Becker Elliott

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Pool Play Schedule for Friday, February 22nd

This is our last day for Pool Play for the season.  Tournaments will begin next week with the Guys & Ladies team playing on March 1st.

Lana had to make a few changes to Friday's schedule. Below is the new schedule. The only change is to the guys A team.

12:30 Brass vs Outsyderz - court 2
12:30 Ladies vs Mustang Ladies court 1
1:15 Ladies ref court 1
1:15 Guys A vs Excalibur guys court 2
2:00 Guys A ref court 2
3:30 Silver vs. Wolfpack gold court 2
(No Gold, Bronze or Guys B this week)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Schedule for Pool Play on February 15th

Please remember to arrive at the gym 30 minutes before you are scheduled to take the court.  Also, please continue helping to keep the gym clean.  Thank you!

11:45 Ladies ref court 2
12:30 Brass vs. Wolfpack Brass court 2
12:30 Ladies vs. Lady Excalibur court 1
1:15 Guys A vs. Guys B court 1
2:00 Guys A ref court 1
2:45 Silver vs. Excalibur Silver court 2
3:30 Gold vs. Silver court 2

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Pool Play Schedule for Friday, February 8th

**Please note that all games will be played 30 minutes earlier than your handout schedule indicates. This will continue throughout Pool Play.

10:15 Bronze ref court 2
11:00 Bronze vs Wolfpack court 1
1:15 Ladies vs Outsyderz court 1
2:00 Silver vs Southern Thunder Silver court 1
2:45 Silver ref court 1
(No Gold, Guys A or B, Brass this week)

Blog Photos & Instagram

Recently, I discovered that many of the Incredibles players and their family members use Instagram. It would be great to take advantage of this and network all the photos taken of Incredibles players and events. Not only would it be great to see them on Instagram, it would be nice to put some of the photos on the blog for the non-Instagram users to see. Heather came up with this great idea with the hashtag #incrediblesvolleyball. Please use it to hashtag your Instagram photos. Thank you!

If you have any photos that you'd like to share on the Incredibles blog that I can't access from Instagram, please email me a copy and I will post them. Thanks!

Monday, February 4, 2013

ECU and HEAT Tournaments for Silver

February 9th ~
I am happy to let you all know that we are on for the Silver team to play in the ECU Co-Ed Volleyball Tournament this coming Saturday! Cost is $10.00 per player. (An anonymous donor has cover the additional cost.) You can pay at the tournament, give it to me at practice, or on Friday at pool play. Please arrive at the Kerr Dome, no later than 9:45AM to sign waivers. (If you are under 18, I believe that they will have to be signed by a parent) Team captains will meet at 10:00AM and then playing will begin soon after that. Pool play will be first, followed by the bracket play. You can bring snacks, but there will be some snacks provided.

I have the following players signed up for this tournament...
Noah Deering
Elijah Smith
Ryan Meyer
Joe Mount
Dee Elliott
Melissa Lowe (after 1:00PM)
Clay Cypert (filling in for Adam!)

*If you are signed up for this and are unable to attend, please let me know ASAP so we can find a replacement for you. Thank you!

HEAT Tournament ~ April 12-13, 2013
**Please remember that registration forms and $25.00 fee is DUE this Tuesday! Please bring your completed form and payment to practice on Tuesday, February 5th. If you have ordered a HEAT Tournament t-shirt, please include your $10.00 shirt payment, too. We plan to continue practicing with the players attending the HEAT on Tuesdays from 6:00-8:00PM. Please add March 19 & 26 and April 2 & 9 to your practice schedule calendar. Thanks!

The following players still need to get forms & fees to me...
Ryan Meyer
Adam Click
Elijah Smith
Noah Deering

Both tournaments should be fun and wonderful opportunities to play LOTS of great volleyball!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Incredibles in Action

Updated Pool Play Schedule for February 3rd

*We will be running 30 minutes early for all games again this week, so please note the times have changed from the original schedule.

9:30 Brass vs. Mustangs court 2
10:15  Brass ref court 2
11:00 Bronze vs. Mustangs court 1
11:45 Bronze vs. Airborne court 1
12:30 Brass vs. SThunder court 2
12:30  Lady vs. Wolfpack court 1
1:15 Guys B vs. Wolfpack court 2
1:15 Lady ref court 1
2:00 Silver vs. Mustangs court 2
2:45 Silver ref court 2
3:30 Gold vs. Excalibur court 2

(No Guys A.  They will be playing in a tournament on Saturday, February 2nd in Muskogee.  Please pray that the entire team will be healthy and that the tournament is successful.  Thank you!)

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Volleyball League T-Shirts

There is still time to get a OKHVL shirt! The deadline has been extended until this coming Tuesday, January 29th, for those who are still interested in ordering a t-shirt....

If a team wins the tournament at the end of our season, each player receives a t-shirt. But, you can order a t-shirt in case your team doesn't win. The design on these t-shirts are the same as the winners, but they won't say "champion" and they will be a different color.

**If you want to order one of these shirts you will need to let me know by practice this Tuesday (1/29). You will need to pay by March 5th.

The cost is:
$12 short sleeve
$20 long sleeve
$27 hoodies

If you have already contacted me about ordering a t-shirt, no need to let me know again. This notice is for those who still want one but missed the first deadline.

Tamy Elliott

Thursday, January 24, 2013


February 2
The guys A team will be traveling to Muskogee to play in a club tournament. There were several guys B players that could not make it, so that team won't be going. I don't have a time yet, but here is the place.
York Street Christian Church,
1125 South York
Muskogee, OK 74403

February 9
The gold team will be playing in the co-ed tournament at ECU. Cost is $10.00 per player. Please arrive at the Kerr Dome, no later than 9:45 to sign waivers. (if you are under 18, I believe that they will have to be signed by a parent) Team captains will meet at 10 and then playing will begin soon after that. Pool play will be first followed by the bracket play. You can bring snacks, but there will be some snacks provided.

March 1
The guys and ladies tournament. Ladies will start early, around 9:30 or 10. Guys will start around 2:00. It will be single elimination.

March 8 & 9
Gold and Silver tournaments. Schedule to be announced.

March 15 & 16
Bronze and Brass tournaments. Schedule to be announced.

April 12 and 13
The silver team will be traveling to Wichita Falls to play in the Wildcats tournament. There will be no gold bracket, so the gold team will not be going. If you are going, Tamy Elliott will be giving out all future info on this tournament.

Schedule Update for January 25th


We will be moving all matches this week to 30 minutes earlier.
Here is the corrected schedule:

January 25
11:00 Bronze ref court 1
11:45 Bronze vs Southern Thunder court 1
11:45 Guys A ref court 2
12:30 Brass vs Southern Thunder Court 2
1:15 Guys B vs Mustangs guys Court 2
1:15 Guys A vs Wolfpack guys court 1
2:00 Guys B ref court 1
2:00 Gold vs Mustangs gold court 2
2:45 Gold vs Wolfpack gold court 2
3:30 Gold ref court 2
(No silver and no ladies)

T-Shirts Available

If a team wins the tournament at the end of our season, each player receives a t-shirt. But, you can order a t-shirt in case your team doesn't win. The design on these t-shirts are the same as the winners, but they won't say "champion" and they will be a different color.

**If you want to order one of these shirts you will need to let Tamy Elliott know by this Friday, January 25th. You will need to pay by March 5th.**

Please email Tamy at or see her at practices on Tuesdays or at matches on Fridays.

The cost is:
$12 short sleeve
$20 long sleeve
$27 hoodies

Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Great Start Continues ~ Day 2 of Pool Play

Wow! God's hand of blessing appears to have been firmly upon the Incredibles teams during the second day of Pool Play...

No major injuries. Great team spirit with good attitudes. All games played without any cancelations. And WE WON ALL OUR MATCHES!

Bronze won. Guys A won. Guys B Won. Silver won...twice. And Gold won..twice.

Couldn't ask for a better day! Thank you to all the players, coaches and supporters for helping to make Day 2 of Pool Play so successful!

Guys A Team

Monday, January 14, 2013

Pool Play Schedule Times Changed

Due to the fact that the matches ran late last Friday, Lana Horner, director of our volleyball league in Norman, has decided that we will start all matches 30 minutes earlier than scheduled. You still need to be at the gym 30 minutes before the scheduled time (which is 30 minutes before the time on your schedules). Below are the new times. Please note, I will be handing out a schedule at practice tomorrow night and the times will be the original times, not the changed times, so please act accordingly.

January 18
10:15 Bronze vs Outsyderz court 2
11:00 Bronze ref court 2
11:45 Guys B ref court 1
12:30 Guys A vs Mustang Guys court 2
12:30 Guys B vs Excalibur Guys court 1
1:15 Gold vs. Southern Thunder silverM court 1
1:15 Silver vs. Outsyderz silver court 2
2:00 Silver vs Excalibur Gold court 2
2:45 Gold vs. Excalibur SilverH court 1
2:45 Silver ref court 2
3:30 Gold ref court 1
(No brass and no ladies)

Practice Schedule for Tuesdays

Please note that there are changes weekly!

January 15
Brass and Bronze - 6:00- 7:30
Gold and Silver - 7:15- 8:45

January 22
Brass and Silver - 6:00 - 7:30
Gold and Bronze - 7:15 - 8:45

January 29
Gold and Silver - 6:00 - 7:30
Brass and Bronze - 7:15- 8:45

February 5
Brass and Gold - 6:00 - 7:30
Bronze and Silver 7:15- 8:45

February 12
Brass and Bronze - 6 - 7:30
Gold and Silver 7:15- 8:45

February 19
Gold and silver 6-7:30
Brass and Bronze 7:15- 8:45

February 26 (no brass, bronze, silver or gold)
Guys A 6:00 - 7:30
Guys B 6:30 - 8:00
Ladies 7:15 - 8:45

*March 1 - All gender team tournament (schedule TBD)

March 5
Brass and Bronze 6:00 - 7:30
Gold and Silver 7:15 - 8:45

*March 8 & 9 Gold and Silver tournament (schedule TBD)

March 12
Brass - 6:30 - 8:00
Bronze - 7:00 - 8:30 (will probably have silver come in, or just random players, and scrimmage the last 30 minutes)

*March 15 & 16 - Bronze and Brass Tournament (schedule TBD)

Friday, January 11, 2013

A Great First Day of Pool Play

Today, the Incredibles teams did a fabulous job! Brass, Bronze, Silver and Ladies put forth wonderful effort and were greatly rewarded.

Brass won both sets to win the match. What a way to start their first volleyball season!

Bronze won both sets of their first match to win the game. Lost the second match by just a few points. They played super well as a team!

Silver won the first set and lost the second. After adding the points, they ended up loosing to a gold team by only 3 points! They held their own and did themselves proud!

The Ladies team...IMPACT...won their game! Not only do the look super good in their cool new shirts, they are off to a great start!

Way to go Incredibles! We are very proud of you!

Brass Team

Bronze Team

Silver Team

Ladies Team...IMPACT

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Game & Practice Reminder

Game & Referee schedule for this Friday, January 11th:

10:00-Brass to ref (court 2). Be on time.
10:45 - Brass (court 1)
11:30 - Bronze (court 1)
12:15 - Bronze (court 1)
1:00 - Ladies (court 1)
1:45 - Ladies ref (court 1)
3:15 - Silver (court 1)
4:00 - Silver (court 1) 

**It is very important that players arrive 30 minutes before games to warm up and when refereeing to be at the court on time.  Thank you!

Practice for next Tuesday, January 15th:

6:00-7:30 for Brass & Bronze 
7:15-8:45 for Silver & Gold

Monday, January 7, 2013

Game Schedule Page Added

A page has been added to this blog with the current schedule of up coming games.  You can view it by clicking the 2013 Game Schedule tab above.  Let the games begin....

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Friday (1/4) Practice Time Change

Yes, practice this week will be at Union Valley at 4PM on Friday.

Brass, Bronze, Silver and Gold will practice from 4-5:30 and guys and girls will practice from 5:30 to 6:45. (Bronze may stay until 6:30 or 7, so prepare accordingly)

Please, try to bring a snack or gatorade since we are practicing during a meal time. We will try to take a break between the regular practice and the guys/girls practice.

See you there.
