Monday, December 31, 2012

No Scrimmage & Possible Practice Change ~ Please Respond!

There will be no scrimmage on Friday, so we are going to try to have this weeks practice on Friday from 4 - 5:30. Then the girls and guys' teams will practice from 5:30 to 6:30 and those that need to, can get home in time for the OU football kickoff.

I need to know who can make this or who can't. Please reply asap. We need to have a full practice this week because we will start pool play next Friday.

If I don't hear from you via email by Wednesday, I will be calling or texting you.

There will be no practice on Thursday.


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Volleyball Info and Christmas Wishes

Gold and silver teams:

Please clear your schedule for a scrimmage with Excalibur in Pink on the afternoon of Jan. 4th. We will still plan to have a regular practice that evening at 6:30 at Union Valley, especially for the brass, bronze. Stay tuned for any time changes and such, because we may shorten the evening practice for gold and silver depending on how much time we have to scrimmage.

Have a great Christmas and try to get in some hitting or workouts between all your celebrations.

Attention Janelly, Caleb Deering, Noah Deering, Ethan Eck:

I have money ($20.00) that you gave me for your shirts. If you would like, I will apply that to your January balance and you will each only owe $5.00 at the January 4th practice.

Attention: Braylen and Adam: You paid me $20.00 for a shirt and are fully paid up for the season, so I plan to refund that money to you at the next practice. If you remember and I don't, please feel free to remind me.


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Odds & Ends Everyone Should Know

I hope this letter finds you all well. I'm glad that our players have all been pretty healthy so far this season. Thank you all for bringing your players to practices on time and for picking them up on time. All the players have had great attitudes and are very teachable. I have a few things that need to be addressed.

1. We can no longer order our jerseys. For those of you that have paid for a new one this year, we will be trying to locate you one to borrow from players that have graduated or have sized-up in the last year or so. That means that you will receive your money back that you have paid me for them. Also, you won't get a choice of numbers, but will have to take what I can find. Next year the whole club will be getting new jerseys and may even pick a new name and new colors.

If anyone has a small jersey that can be borrowed, please let me know. We only need 4.

2. There have been some misunderstandings about jerseys. Jerseys are for the players. They are a special privilege to wear the Incredibles name and we reserve it for players only.

3. Many parents have been dropping younger siblings off at practices. Please, if you want to bring your younger children, stay with them or ask another parent to supervise. We can't have unsupervised children exploring around the churches.

4. The bronze and silver team would like to call an extra practice if their whole team can make it. Please, check your calendar for Dec. 21 and see if you can practice that evening. It would probably be from 7 - 8:30. Let me know at this Friday's practice if you can make this practice. If we can't have 100 percent, we probably won't practice.

5. If you have to miss a practice, that is completely understandable; there is life outside of volleyball. But it would be so helpful to the planning of practices if you could inform us when you are going to be absent.

Thanks again for your continued support. Working with your kids has been a joy.


Wichita Falls Tournament Planning

I'm trying to get some more information together to give you about the tournament in Wichita Falls on April 12th and 13th. But in order to figure out the cost for each player, I need to know if you will be going as a family, or if your player(s) will be going and sharing hotel rooms with other players. There will be plenty of supervision for those that don't have parents going. Right now, this is only for the gold and silver teams.

Here's the info that I need from you.
1. My player is planning or is not planning to go. (I know cost will be a factor, but to figure cost I have to know how many will be going)
2. My player will need to share a hotel room with others/ Our whole family will be going and will need a hotel room for (number of) people.
3. My player will need transportation/My player has transportation.

Please, let me know as soon as possible. We want to try to get the best deals that we can, so the earlier the better.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Referee Training

Next Tuesday (12/11), from 6:45 to 8:00 we will have a special guest coming to practice to teach everyone how to line judge, score keep and down judge.

I need to know which area your player would like to learn. I will do my best to honor your requests, but cannot promise that I will be able to do that.

Please let me know by email, or I will have a sign up at Friday's practice.


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Updated Practice Schedule

Here is the team schedules for the practices until league matches start in January. Please, pay close attention because it won't be the same every week.

Dec. 4, Tuesday - Methodist gym
Brass & Bronze - 6-7:30
Silver & Gold - 7:15 - 8:45

Dec. 7, Friday - Union Valley gym
All teams 6:30 - 8:00
Girls' team & guys' team: 8-9

Dec. 11, Tuesday - Methodist gym
Brass & Silver - 6:00 - 6:45
6:45 to 8:00 All teams will be learning to line judge, score keep and down judge. There will be someone from league coming down to teach us how to do all these jobs correctly. Please, be there on time.
8:00 - 8:45 - Gold & Bronze

Dec. 14, Friday - Union Valley gym
All teams 6:30 - 8:00
Girls' team & guys' team: 8-9

Dec. 18, Tuesday - Methodist gym
Brass & Bronze 6:00 - 7:30
Gold & Silver 7:15 - 8:45

Jan. 4, Friday - Union Valley gym
All teams 6:30 - 8:00
Girls' team & guys' team: 8-9

Jan. 8, Tuesday - Methodist gym
Brass & Gold 6-7:30
Bronze & Silver 7:15-8:45

Once we get the match schedule, then I will send out the practice schedule for January and February.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

2013 H.E.A.T Volleyball Classic

This is the info on the tournament that we'd like to participate in. The coaches would definitely like to take the gold and silver teams, not sure yet about the bronze. We would not be taking the brass team. Check out the dates and get back with me if you can come or not.


Hi, this is Dawn Schaffer with the Wichita Falls, H.E.A.T Wildcats Volleyball Club. We are a Christian Homeschool group that plays co-ed volleyball. A few weeks back I sent out an email regarding information about our 2013 H.E.A.T Volleyball Classic. At that time I did not have an official date set due to the fact of being able to acquire Midwestern State University. I am pleased to say however, that we have a date set now. Please read the following:

We would like to invite you to warm up your Spring by playing in the 2nd Annual Wichita Falls H.E.A.T Volleyball Classic Tournament

Date: Friday & Saturday, April 12-13, 2012

Time: Friday 12:00pm to ? - Pool Play
Saturday 8:00am - Tournament Play

Location: Midwestern State University Legion Stadium
Wichita Falls, TX

Cost: $200.00 per team

Registration Deadline: January 15, 2012

Payment Deadline: January 31, 2012

Divisions: Gold, Silver, Bronze and Brass

We will be able to accept 3-4 teams in the Gold Division , 4-5 teams Silver Division, 6 teams in the Bronze Division and 6-8 teams in the Brass Division. Since there are limited spots available we will be accepting teams on a first come first serve basis. If one division does not fill up we can add more teams to another division.

Division qualification breakdown: Gold - Advanced players with a High level of competition. Silver - Players that are fairly advanced in volleyball skills but not as advanced as Gold players. Level of competition High/Intermediate. Bronze - Players that display decent volleyball skills but not as advanced as a Silver player. Level of competition Intermediate. Brass - Players that are new and or have 1-2 years of experience but their skill are not as developed as a Bronze player. Level of competition Beginner High/Low.

If you do not have a co-ed team but have an all girls team that you feel would be competitive in any of these divisions you could bring them as well but please be aware that they would be required to play on a boys height net in the Gold and Silver Divisions and a girls height net in the Bronze and Brass Divisions. They would also be playing against co-ed teams with 3-4 boys on them.

Last years tournament was a huge success and we are excited to host this tournament at Midwestern State University. It is a wonderful facility with 4 courts. All 17 teams who attended last years event had an amazing time. We will be having a concession stand which will enable people to stay at the facility instead of having to go off and look for food. For those of you who would be needing a place to stay the night Friday, we will be working out hotel accommodations with local hotels to get you a good rate.

Once you've made a decision to come please let me know ASAP. Registration deadline will be January 15th. Payment will be due no later than January 31, 2012. We can send out team entry forms and player registration forms as soon as we hear back from you.

Look forward to hearing from you! If you have any further questions please feel free to call or email.

Dawn Schaffer
Volleyball Coordinator
Wichita Falls, H.E.A.T

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Teams Posted

Below is the list of teams. Please, remember that no team is "final" until pool play starts and even then we can move players if one shows marked improvement. Also, excessive absences or problems with attitude can cause a player to be moved to a different team.

By Friday, I will have a list of practices and times. Tuesday practices will have a varied schedule so you will have to check the schedule each week to know what time your specific team practices.

Friday practices will always be 6:30 - 8 for all teams; 8-9 for the girls and guys teams.

Ethan Eck
Ethan Palmer
Ethan Toombs




Monday, November 26, 2012

Practice Schedule for 11/27/12

Thank you all so much for being patient with our scheduling changes. We hope to have a final schedule by this Friday. Here is the latest change:


6-7:30- brass team plus

7:15- 8:45
Everyone not mentioned above.



Friday, November 23, 2012

League Volleyball Play Dates

The following dates are the league match play dates for next Spring. Most teams will only play 4 of those dates. If you have children on more than one team, you may play on more days.

Jan 11 10-5pm
Jan 18 10-5pm
Jan 25 10-5pm
Feb 1 10-5pm
Feb 8 10-5pm
Feb 15 10-5pm
Feb 22 10-5pm

March 1 ~ 10-9pm *might be pool play plus all gender tournament or may be a weather make-up day.

March 8 & 9 ~ 10-9pm this would be gold/silver tournament

March 15 & 16 ~ 10-9pm this would be the brass and bronze tournament


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Volleyball Practice Changes

**There is no practice this Friday because of Thanksgiving break.**

For ALL practices, PLEASE be on time so we can stop promptly.

Tuesday practice changes:

The following players need to be at practice at 6PM.
Caleb Deering
Ethan Eck
Ethan Toombs
Ethan Palmer

7:15- 8:45 Both silver teams

Friday, November 16, 2012

Practice Tonight and the Guys & Girls Teams

Just a reminder:

Tonight's practice is from 7 - 8:30 for everyone.
The guys and girls teams will practice from 8:30 to 9:00

The following players are on the single gender, guys and girls, team.



Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Jersey Information

I will be ordering the volleyball jerseys next Monday. On Friday, there will be an adult small jersey at practice for your player to try on and decide if they want that size or smaller or larger. There is a youth small, medium and large available, as well as adult sizes of small, medium, large, etc. The color that they will be trying on is not the color that they will receive. The cost will be $20.00 per jersey, and that will need to be paid on Friday. (FYI...There will be an additional cost for imprinting to be paid at a later date.) Please, give the money to Tamy Elliott.

Thank you.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Practice Schedule Change for Friday (11/9)

Dear players and parents,

This year has been a real challenge trying to decide which players to put on each team. In fact, the teams are still not finalized, but we are moving closer to that. We have decided that this year we will have a gold team, 2 silver teams and one brass team. There are many players that fit on the silver level, but we are still trying to put together the 2 teams. We will be doing a tryout of sorts this Friday to help us determine who fits on which team.

This Friday, we are going to stagger practices. Please, find your name below and come at the designated time. If you cannot attend your practice time, please let me know immediately.

The following players will practice from 6 to 7:30 (This Friday only)

Caleb Deering
Ethan Eck
Ethan Toombs
Ethan Palmer

The following players will practice from 6:30 - 8:30. (This Friday only)


All other players will practice from 7 - 8:30.



Wednesday, October 17, 2012

ECU Volleyball Game

The Lady Tigers, ECU's women's volleyball team will be playing this Saturday (10/20) @ 2PM at the Kerr Dome. Admission is free. Since it's fall break, many of the students will be away, so there may be a sparse crowd. This is a conference game for the team and they could use all the support they can get. The top 6 teams go to the conference championship and ECU is ranked #7 right now, so they need to win.

If you can, come out and support the team.

Hope to see you there.


Monday, October 15, 2012

First Practice of the Season!

Tomorrow night will be the first practice for the 2012-2013 season. Please remember to bring a water bottle and wear good court shoes with non-marking soles. I would like to meet with the parents of all new players at the beginning of the first practice @ 6.

I will be handing out registration forms, code of conduct forms and medical release forms. Please make sure your child(ren) get home with these forms.

The first installment of $25.00 is due at the first practice. If you need to make different financial arrangements, just talk to me in private or send me an email. We are flexible and understand that many of you have several children participating and may need some more time to payout your fees.

Practice is at the Methodist church @ 14th and Broadway at 6 or 7:15.

See you there.


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Scheduling College Classes for the Spring

Just a note to anyone who is enrolling at a college in the spring: You might want to schedule your classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays to avoid the possibility of missing Friday games. Usually the advance teams won't play until noon, but just in case, you may want to try to avoid the conflict because she isn't taking special requests this year.


Friday, September 28, 2012

Good Volleyball at ECU (9/28 & 9/29)

If you want to see some good volleyball and remind yourself what a good pass looks like, a good dig, or good hit, or great serve, go tonight (9/28) at 7:00 or tomorrow afternoon (9/29) at 2:00 to the gold dome at ECU. Come support the ECU Tigers lady volleyball team. The team they play on Saturday were the conference champions last year, and tonight's match is against Harding, where Chris and Lauren Meyer are attending. Both matches will be some really good volleyball.

Hope to see you all there.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Incredibles 2012-2013 Season Information

Here are the volleyball practice dates for Tuesdays and Fridays. I will print out a schedule and hand it out at practice. Please continue to refer to this blog. It will have all the info that I send out on it, just in case you lose an email or want to make sure that you have received everything.

Tuesdays @ the Methodist gym on the southwest corner of 14th and Broadway.
First practice @ 6-7:30.
Second practice @ 7:15 - 8:45.
Oct. 16, 23, 30
Nov. 6, 13, 20, 27
Dec. 4, 11, 18
Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29
Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26

Fridays @ Union Valley Church (contact me for directions, or google it)
7PM to 8:30PM for everyone at the same time.
Oct 26
Nov. 2, 9, 16, 30
Dec. 7, 14
Jan 4

Please remember to wear good shoes with nonmarking soles and bring a water bottle that has a closing lid. It really saves time if every player has something to drink and doesn't have to wait in line at the water fountain.

Twenty-five dollars is due at the first practice. Please make checks to Tisha Cypert. You may pay the balance of $75.00 at any time, but each $25.00 payment is due at the first of each month. (October, November, December and January)

The following players should be at the gym ready to practice @ 6:00 on October 16th:

Laurel Click
Olivia Click
Ethan Palmer
Austin Palmer
Andrew Toombs
Ethan Toombs
Jett Black
Colton Skinner
Forest Hamilton
Ethan Eck
Caleb Deering

The following players should be at the gym and ready to practice @ 7:15 on October 16th:
Caleb Rodgers
Elijah Hudson
Ashlyn Angel
Kent Cypert
Matt Meyer
Elijah Smith
Daniel Bonar
Ryan Meyer
Harlee Black
Halsee Black
Haylee Black
Rhetta Farrill
Carolyn Click
Isaiah Rudolph
Joseph Mount
Melissa Lowe
Adam Click
Becker Elliott
Dennah Elliott
Noah Deering
Abigail Toombs

If your name isn't listed here, please let me know immediately. Also, does anyone have a conflict with the time of practices? There are a couple of players that have requested the later practice due to schedule conflicts with another activity. We may change and have the brass and bronze team practice later and the gold and silver team practice earlier on Tuesdays. Do you have a conflict with your child practicing at 6-7:15 or 7:15-8:45 on Tuesday nights. Please let me know, so we can plan accordingly.

Practice attendance is very important. If you have to be absent or there will be conflicts, please send me a text or email. 580-759-5260. There are only 20 practices before matches start on January 11. You must attend at least 16 practices to be eligible to play in matches in January. If you find that you have too many conflicts and can't make the 16 practices, please don't sign up to play. It isn't fair to those that put in the effort to be at the practices. We will make every effort to work with your scheduling conflicts. Also, if you have an unforeseen emergency that causes you not to be able to make the practices, talk to your individual coach, and they may be able to work with you.

If you have any questions, contact me. If not, see you at the first practice on October 16th.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

ECU Volleyball Volunteers Needed

The ECU women's volleyball first home game is next Tuesday. They are needing volunteers to stand on the side lines and hold the extra ball and roll it in to the server as needed. I need high school volunteers. You can volunteer for as many matches as you can do. There needs to be 2 volunteers per match. Here is the schedule of home games:

Tuesday, Sept. 4@7PM
Tuesday, Sept. 11@7PM
Thursday, Sept 20@7PM
Friday, Sept. 28@7PM
Saturday, Sept. 29@2PM

Tuesday, Oct. 2@7PM
Tuesday, Oct 9@7PM
Tuesday, Oct 16@7PM
Saturday, Oct. 20@2PM
Tuesday, Oct 23@7PM
Tuesday, Oct 30@7PM


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Volleyball Camp Reminder

If you plan to play on the Incredibles volleyball team next fall, it would be to your advantage to attend the volleyball camp at ECU. The deadline is fast approaching to get the discount. The camp runs June 5 - 8, Tuesday through Friday. To enroll:

Go to

Click on general info and click on continuing ed in the drop down menu.

Click on enroll now and then click on the left side menu on camps

Scroll down and you will see Tiger volleyball camp for advanced skills or Tiger volleyball camp for beginners.

Remember to use the code "SUMMER" to get a discount.


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Volleyball Summer Camp Opportunities

Oklahoma Homeschool Volleyball League Summer Camp

Date: May 21-24
Time: 10am-1pm
Cost: $60
Ages: 10-19
Skill level: All skills from beginner (never played) to the advanced player
Location: Crosspointe Community Center in Norman

Please spread the information along to your players. This is a great camp. The Head coach will be OBU Head Volleyball Coach, OBU Assistant Coach Jason and the OBU Players.

The cost for camp is very cheap, if you go to OBU website their camp cost is about $300, OU cost $350 but OKHVL camp is only $60 and it is coached by a NAIA college coach. Anna Howle. Anna has been around homeschool volleyball since her junior year at OU when she was a star player on the team. She has helped me in the past by coaching the Mustangs for 2 years, she has helped me run league and has been a friend now for many years. Your players will have so much fun but will be working hard the whole time. The camp will improve your players' skills while having a great time.

You can register for the summer volleyball camp in Norman at the website

You can mail it with payment to Lana Horner's home address of 2917 Water View Ct Norman, Ok 73071

At the very least, you need to email her and let her know you are coming, so she will know how many players she will have for camp.  Her email address is

The Tiger Volleyball Camp at ECU

Date: June 5-8 
Times: Grades 4-8 will be from 9:00AM to Noon.
           Grades 9-12 will be from 1:00-4:00.
Cost: $80 (With the price of gas going up, this might be the best deal for us instead of driving to Norman.)
Location: ECU

Joseph Cypert will probably be helping with this camp as well as the ECU Lady Volleyball head coach, Dave Thorn, and members of the ECU Volleyball Team.  This camp is usually much smaller than the one in Norman or Shawnee and there will be plenty of opportunity for individual help. 

If you are going to the volleyball camp at ECU, you need to go to and register there.  There is a $10 instant discount for online registration.  Use the code "SUMMER" after you put your classes in your cart and click apply to total. Registration closes at 3 pm on Friday, June 2.

If you plan to play volleyball next year with the Incredibles, attending volleyball camp is highly recommended.  Please, make plans to attend.

Thanks, Tisha


Welcome to the Incredibles' blog.  A source for updates, information and up coming events of interest for our team members and their families.  May it be a blessing to all who stumble upon it!