Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Odds & Ends Everyone Should Know

I hope this letter finds you all well. I'm glad that our players have all been pretty healthy so far this season. Thank you all for bringing your players to practices on time and for picking them up on time. All the players have had great attitudes and are very teachable. I have a few things that need to be addressed.

1. We can no longer order our jerseys. For those of you that have paid for a new one this year, we will be trying to locate you one to borrow from players that have graduated or have sized-up in the last year or so. That means that you will receive your money back that you have paid me for them. Also, you won't get a choice of numbers, but will have to take what I can find. Next year the whole club will be getting new jerseys and may even pick a new name and new colors.

If anyone has a small jersey that can be borrowed, please let me know. We only need 4.

2. There have been some misunderstandings about jerseys. Jerseys are for the players. They are a special privilege to wear the Incredibles name and we reserve it for players only.

3. Many parents have been dropping younger siblings off at practices. Please, if you want to bring your younger children, stay with them or ask another parent to supervise. We can't have unsupervised children exploring around the churches.

4. The bronze and silver team would like to call an extra practice if their whole team can make it. Please, check your calendar for Dec. 21 and see if you can practice that evening. It would probably be from 7 - 8:30. Let me know at this Friday's practice if you can make this practice. If we can't have 100 percent, we probably won't practice.

5. If you have to miss a practice, that is completely understandable; there is life outside of volleyball. But it would be so helpful to the planning of practices if you could inform us when you are going to be absent.

Thanks again for your continued support. Working with your kids has been a joy.


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