Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Wichita Falls Tournament Planning

I'm trying to get some more information together to give you about the tournament in Wichita Falls on April 12th and 13th. But in order to figure out the cost for each player, I need to know if you will be going as a family, or if your player(s) will be going and sharing hotel rooms with other players. There will be plenty of supervision for those that don't have parents going. Right now, this is only for the gold and silver teams.

Here's the info that I need from you.
1. My player is planning or is not planning to go. (I know cost will be a factor, but to figure cost I have to know how many will be going)
2. My player will need to share a hotel room with others/ Our whole family will be going and will need a hotel room for (number of) people.
3. My player will need transportation/My player has transportation.

Please, let me know as soon as possible. We want to try to get the best deals that we can, so the earlier the better.


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