Thursday, December 20, 2012

Volleyball Info and Christmas Wishes

Gold and silver teams:

Please clear your schedule for a scrimmage with Excalibur in Pink on the afternoon of Jan. 4th. We will still plan to have a regular practice that evening at 6:30 at Union Valley, especially for the brass, bronze. Stay tuned for any time changes and such, because we may shorten the evening practice for gold and silver depending on how much time we have to scrimmage.

Have a great Christmas and try to get in some hitting or workouts between all your celebrations.

Attention Janelly, Caleb Deering, Noah Deering, Ethan Eck:

I have money ($20.00) that you gave me for your shirts. If you would like, I will apply that to your January balance and you will each only owe $5.00 at the January 4th practice.

Attention: Braylen and Adam: You paid me $20.00 for a shirt and are fully paid up for the season, so I plan to refund that money to you at the next practice. If you remember and I don't, please feel free to remind me.


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